Wednesday, October 6, 2010

~Lingering Friendships~

It’s funny how life unfolds. In January of this year I bought Darren Hardy’s workbook titled “Design Your Best Year Ever”, completely unaware of how life changing it would be. I spent literally hours filling out answers, re-thinking the questions, erasing, and doing it all over again. Much to my dismay, I discovered how I was allowing the urgent to push out the important, so I set about breaking some old habits and making some changes. One of the areas needing attention was tending to and nurturing my friendships. As awful as it is and I hate to admit it, I had completely let some friends drop by the wayside, like…..a sack of goodwill clothes. In an attempt to revive and renew the friendships, the girlfriends, the church ladies I had be deliberate. With the help of Lindsey, we put a plan in place. First, make some long distance ‘catch-up’ calls. Next, we invited a couple of families over to grill on the weekend, like we used to. Another step we took, starting small, was to invite a couple mother/daughter’s over on Tuesday evening for wine and cheese. Last night was our first and it was wonderful. As we lingered by the pool, candles lighting the table, I just soaked in their inner beauty, admiring where they were in life and how they were triumphing in spite of circumstances. Next week we will invite a few more. Every week, when weather permits, we will “intentionally” rebuild, reconnect, and bond with these people we love. We may even give our Tuesday nights a name. Perhaps ‘Women, Wisdom, and Wine’…... ~Jeannie

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is something I've been wanting to do, and now you've inspired me to take action. Since I'm between jobs at the moment, I have more time. I want to get together with my women friends more...and you're right, that will take rebuilding relationships. Wonderful thoughts!
